Beautiful Data I Resources > Code

Harvard Art Museums API

During the workshop, we returned a number of times to the Harvard Art Museums collection and API. Check out their Suns Explorer.

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The Metropolitan Museum of Art's MediaLab has a bunch of great projects up on Github. We used metMirror during the open house at the end of the workshop.

Met Mirror is an interactive installation prototype that encourages Metropolitan Museum visitors and staff to "see themselves" in the Met's collection. Using the open-source programming environment Processing, Met Mirror programmatically replaces the pixels from a video camera with like-colored images culled from the Met's archive of art and design objects.


BackStory is an online visualization tool for exploring the history of Wikipedia articles. Try it out or fork it on Github.    

Colour Lens

Colour Lens provides visual navigation museum collections. Fork it on Github.

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As part of one participant project, we developed a simple tool to search Instagram posts for terms used by museums (in this case, "Azteca") and to aggregate the tags most commonly used with these terms. You can see a live demo or take a look at the code on github. Designated "relevant" terms are highlighted in red, and posts are organized with those that have the most relevant terms at the top.