Two quick save-the-dates, with more details to follow in the coming weeks!
Saturday, 7/8 12-3 pm metaLAB AI + Art workshop @ BKC This is an optional creative workshop open to all in the BKC community to come think through ideas and challenges related to Artificial Intelligence and work with creative materials to either raise questions or try to answer them. It will be collaborative, experimental, and fun. Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks.
Monday 8/7 5-6 pm AI + Art Lightbox Gallery launch @ BKC During the week of August 7th, metaLAB will be showcasing a series of AI-related artistic projects at Harvard Art Museum’s Lightbox Gallery. We will kickoff the week at 5 pm on Monday 8/7 at BKC with series of mini-talks/previews of the works that will be shown at the museum, and some of the themes to which they give rise.
Please feel free to contact Sarah with any questions!