
Thursday, May 10, 2-4pm. Houghton Library. Passports signify sovereignty and control, the freedom of travel and the stricture of borders. Their design is bound up with the aesthetics of governmentality; their history is that of the nation-state itself. In the academy, we typically produce knowledge about such things in the form of written texts. But what other forms can knowledge of passports take? The concept of Knowledge Design marks a practice of discovering new forms for learning and discovery, taking cues from design, media, performance, and the graphic arts. In this workshop in connection with the exhibition Passports: Lives in Transit, members of metaLAB (at) Harvard will facilitate a playful exploration of knowledge-design possibilities, working with participants to uncover new ways of telling stories and making arguments about citizenship, travel, and state power past, present, and future.

Workshop is limited to 15 people. Please register online to reserve a place.

Tuesday, March 6, 5:30-7:30pm. Arts @ 29 Garden. Drop by for prototypes, projections, discussion, snacks, and an inflatable or two. Featuring work from metaLAB and friends. Email with any questions.

Thursday, December 7, 12pm. MIT Open Documentary Lab E15-318 This talk brings together artists Kim Albrecht, Matthew Battles, Rachel Kalmar & Sarah Newman, Maia Leandra Suazo-Maler, and Jonathan Sun from metaLAB’s August 2017 exhibition Machine Experience at Harvard Art Museum. Event website

Tuesday, November 7, 12pm. Lamont Forum Room What should the course catalog look like in the 21st century? A talk on leveraging data and design for course selection and discovery. Lunch will be provided! RSVP required.

On Tuesday, October 3, metaLAB will present Invasive Spirits: Maple Variations as part of the Harvard Food Design Symposium. Save the date—more details to come!

What can we learn by critically evaluating how we interact with, tell stories about, and project logic, intelligence, and sentience onto systems and machines? AI in Art & Design is focused on making expressive works that deal with the cultural and social dimensions of artificial intelligence. The goal is to provoke meaningful reflection in a variety of arenas, including in areas of privacy, human agency, philosophy, and moral responsibility.

From August 8-12, at Harvard Art Museums Lightbox Gallery, metaLAB will be exhibiting five new artistic projects playfully and critically engaging different aspects of Artificial Intelligence. There will be three gallery talks, and a launch event on Monday August 7th at the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society. For more information, visit the events page, or email Sarah.

Two quick save-the-dates, with more details to follow in the coming weeks!

Saturday, 7/8 12-3 pm metaLAB AI + Art workshop @ BKC This is an optional creative workshop open to all in the BKC community to come think through ideas and challenges related to Artificial Intelligence and work with creative materials to either raise questions or try to answer them. It will be collaborative, experimental, and fun. Mark your calendars and keep an eye out for more information in the coming weeks.

Monday 8/7 5-6 pm AI + Art Lightbox Gallery launch @ BKC During the week of August 7th, metaLAB will be showcasing a series of AI-related artistic projects at Harvard Art Museum’s Lightbox Gallery. We will kickoff the week at 5 pm on Monday 8/7 at BKC with series of mini-talks/previews of the works that will be shown at the museum, and some of the themes to which they give rise.

Please feel free to contact Sarah with any questions!

After some hard work from Matt Griffiths, recordings from Spring semester’s Knowledge Design seminar are up! Guests include Denis Tenen, Peter McMurray, Doris Sommer, Matt Jockers, Kim Albrecht, Nick Sousanis, Vince Brown, Peter Galison, Nicholas Bauch, Federica Pedriali, and Matt Ratto. See the full playlist on Vimeo.